I suppose I always thought I would follow my mother's timeline. You know...married at 24, kids by 26. So when the first milestone passed and I was not married or "with child"...I began to doubt the process by which life is supposed to go. So I thought of course by 30...I would have the "two car seats and a minivan" as Lee Ann Rimes would sing. Nope. Not in my cards. Evidently God just did not see that I should have that lifestyle just yet.....so I waited. I kept thinking after each bad relationship ended, "do I really have to endure another one?". Obviously so.
So when I decided reluctantly to start dating again this past January....I did so with very much trepidation. I went out on a couple of dates with a few guys and started to think...."this has got to get easier..right?" Nope. It does not. So when my high school friend Laurie emailed me to ask if I would be willing to be set up on a blind date with one of her friends...I was really NOT willing to go there. But...what did I have to lose? Boy...am I glad I took that leap of faith. That small leap...landed me right into the man of my dreams.
Nine and half months later I am happily looking ahead to a life with a man that fulfills every dream and desire that I could ever imagine. I have to think that every bad relationship, every "toad I had to kiss", every lonely New Year's Eve and every bridesmaid dress that had to be worn....can honestly be said to be worth it. I mean I felt that at some point the waiting would pay off.....but 40 was starting to come faster and faster every day! So here's to the future and to a life worth waiting for!
p.s. Stay tuned as I slowly move from a Single Southern to a Not So Single Southern and all the adventures of planning a wedding...Jenny Style! Love to all, but most of all, my husband to be Josh!