Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A little faith in the world

"Without faith, hope and trust, there is no promise for the future, and without a promising future, life has no direction, no meaning and no justification."-Adlin Sinclair

Well, if you are like most Americans (or at least the 85% reported) who were happy with your health care before probably are having a hard time swallowing the pill that our government has just made us all take. Some days it is hard to have faith in the world in which we live and the leaders that are supposed to lead...but if you had the weekend I just had with about 40 high school juniors and might have a little more faith.

When Josh and I first started dating, he constantly spoke of his involvement with "Search". I had no idea what this was but soon found out that it was something he was very passionate about. The program, based out of the Raleigh Diocese, is something that Josh did as a teenager and has now gone back to supervise for as an adult. The program is described as:
"Search is a weekend retreat for 11th – 12th grade youth. Activities encourage self-discovery and reflections on relationships with others and with God. Retreat team is made up of past Searchers who model leadership, faith sharing, and ministry with their peers. Adults in youth ministry also attend and participate in Search".

Josh had mentioned many times that going to Search was a life changing experience for him. As a teenager, that seems amazing. I can't recall anything in my teenage years that was so profound. His passions for the event continued after he was in college and he has been volunteering as an "adult searcher" for the past couple of years. So as one could imagine, my curiosity about this grand program was always there. A few months ago, Josh asked if I would like to attend as an adult Searcher myself. So...without hesitation I decided to do so. Little did I know what I was getting into!

When I arrived on Friday night, I was greeted with 60 plus teenagers screaming and having a grand time. I thought to myself "Oh Lord...what have I gotten myself into?". However we (the adults and the kids) quickly were oriented on the pace of the weekend and what was to be expected. I learned within hours (and I say hours because we got there at 7pm and did not go to bed until 2:30am!) that this was going to be a weekend like no other. The evening started out with a young woman who "told us her story". Her story ironically enough dealt with her battles of depression and finding herself. My attention perked and I instantly knew that this was something I could relate to.

The rest of the weekend consisted of great "talks" from teens and adults. Each one telling a different story and each one emphasizing how they grew closer to God. I was so in awe by the bravery and courage for the kids to get up in front of their peers and share so much. I was more than humbled to share in the experience. The weekend posted many great events and memories,including a special visit from my future in-laws. I knew that I had made the right choice to participate in the program and I felt even closer to my faith and Josh.

The best feeling I had after walking away from the Search weekend was that I knew for sure that not only was the Catholic church in good hands....but so was the future of our country. These kids were amazing and each of them had so many great qualities that I know they will utilize them to the fullest. I know that they will take their love for the Lord and their passion for the message and spread it all around them.

So for those of you who doubt the world we live in...let me assure you that you can have Faith once again...we are in the best of hands!


1 comment:

  1. Jenny, Another beautiful story. We are never too old to learn and grow.

    Love you Margie
