Friday, September 25, 2009


“Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it." -Mark Twain

So I was traveling this week to Syracuse for a recruiting trip and I had the opportunity to fly for the first time in close to two years. When I fly I tend to be quite the social butterfly. I love to talk to complete strangers and learn about lives...not characteristic of me at all. I don't know why I am like that, but I am. Call it my "other personality". Ha!

So I had a unique encounter this trip. I met a driver from the hotel who picked me up from the airport early in the morning. Ken was your typical New Yorker who agreed to let me ride in the front seat...only if I promised not to tell the hotel. Agreed. Of course that only meant that I had the floor to ask him tons of questions about Syracuse. Of course I asked him all of the basics (how was the weather, did he like living there, did he ever see Paulis from Duke, etc.) and then some. When I asked him if he had lived there all his life, he said that he had not only because he was a retired marine and served 19 years for our country. Like many who served our country, he had a story to tell....and I listened. He went off to the military at a young age and served in the marines and picked up a trade. He loved his country and loved serving his country as well. Never regretted his decision. We spoke a long time about his life now with his wife and kids and the nightmares he still has. He reminded me that there are so many events that occurred to him over his time in the military that he will never forget.

Ken works three jobs. He has a paper route in the morning, he works for the hotel doing every little odd and end during the day and runs his cleaning business during the night. Up until a year ago he held a corporate job with Carrier until it folded after 15 years. When I asked him how he felt about juggling three jobs, he said "you do what you have to do. I am not too proud to work to make ends meet. I know times our tough and I know they will get better. If you told me two years ago that I would be doing this I would have never believed you....but life changes and you have to go with it."

Ken epitomizes to me what the human spirit is and what the American spirit is. Not only has he given so much to this country but he is asking for so little in return. When so many are walking around with their hands out right now without willing to do anything for is a guy that we should help...but yet is willing to serve himself. Amazing.

It just goes to show you that there are still good, honest people out there willing to work and earn a living the right way. God bless America!


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